What about playing a G.A. M.E. with me?
(G.Game-A.Active learning-M. Mind-E.Education)
Special needs students;
By playing games,
With innovative approaches,
Unreachable a targets
He removes the reasons.
Each student´s learning style is different. Although there are differences in the learning styles of the pupils, the game is the common dominator of different learning styles.
Students learn when they have good fun. Students do not try to learn things that do not attract their attention.
Every child´s favorite affair, an effective method for the reinforcing of the subjects,motivation enhancer, the most natural learning environment.
To develop social and academic skills of students with selected games according to the needs of students with special needs,
Using effective tools and methods with innovative approaches, we will provide the positive development.
Project Objectives
1-By cooperating with different curriculums at the end of our project, more efficient use of brain, open air and technological games in special education,
2- The development of social and academic skills of our students with the games selected for the individual needs of the students for our education and training goals,
3- Special needs students to reinforce concepts in different lessons through play,
4- To contribute to the physical, personal, and sensory characteristics of students with physical, logical, technological and collaborative games,
5- We aim to have our students communicate with other special needs students through play.
Working process
Our project is one year project and each project partner will take responsibility at the same. Regular online meetings will be held on the dates to be determined at the first meeting. The teaching of games will begin in the first week of the month. Game videos will be uploaded to Youtube page.
SEPTEMBER- Presentation of informations about the schools and their students to other partners by the partners of the project, Begin of logo studies,
OCTOBER - Partners´ creation of Padlet. Project poster will be made by partners through Canva Web2.0.
Sharing the Game Plan with partners
NOVEMBER-Brain game Q-Bitz teaching.
DECEMBER- Brain game Candy teaching.
JANUARY-FEBRUARY-LearningApps With Web 2.0 tool, do mapping and grouping games linked to the first 2 games.
MARCH-Brain game Tangramino teaching.
APRİL- Puss in the corner and Blind man´s buff teaching
MAY-Brain game Skippty teaching.
JUNE- Evaluation report,Survey.Project year-end presentation.